Having a dental emergency? Call us today

Emergency Dentist Dallas, TX

Call East Quarter Dental at 469-529-5401 if you have a dental emergency. Dental emergencies like tooth pain, damaged teeth, and tooth loss need immediate care. A sudden dental problem can escalate into a bigger problem over time, which is why we provide urgent dental care. Waiting to treat a dental emergency can negatively impact your oral health. With emergency dental care in our Dallas, TX office, we can help maintain your smile.

There are several steps to emergency dental care. First, you will call our office, and we will help coordinate same-day emergency care. When you arrive, we will provide an exam to determine the root cause of your emergency. Then, we will relieve any pain and work with you to provide prompt dental treatment for your specific concerns.

Emergency Dental Care in Dallas TX

Emergency Dental Care in Dallas, TX

You know to go to the ER when you have a medical emergency, so why should it be any different if you have a severe dental issue? Same-day dental care is possible with emergency dentistry. Common emergencies we treat at East Quarter Dental include: 

Tooth Pain

There are many possible causes of toothaches, from an injured tooth to a cavity or a dental abscess. If you feel severe tooth pain at home, take pain medication. If you suspect a tooth infection, use a warm saltwater rinse. Use a warm compress if you experience swelling. 

In our office, we will examine your teeth and determine the cause of your pain. Our office can provide an emergency root canal if needed. We can also drain a dental abscess. An abscess is a pocket of pus that can sometimes form outside the tooth. Draining this abscess will prevent it from bursting and further infection.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If you knock out a permanent tooth, try to locate it as soon as possible. Hold the tooth by its crown and avoid touching the roots. Gently rinse debris from your tooth. You can try to put the tooth back in its socket and gently bite down.

If this doesn’t work, bring the tooth to our office in a cup of saliva. We may reattach the tooth. We recommend a dental implant if we cannot reattach the tooth. An implant is the most tooth-like restoration possible, restoring your missing tooth at the root.

Broken Tooth

If you chip or crack a tooth, try to recover any pieces of your tooth if possible. Do not try to put the pieces back in your mouth. Instead, put the pieces in a cup of saliva.

If we cannot fix your tooth, we may recommend an alternative. We will examine your tooth to see if you need an extraction, dental crown, or bonding. Our office will recommend the right treatment based on the extent of your tooth damage.

Get to a dentist after you break a tooth. In some cases, bacteria can enter a large break in your tooth. You can also damage teeth further with regular biting and chewing.

Broken or Lost Restoration

If you break or lose a crown, dental bridge, or denture, do not try to put the broken pieces back in your mouth. Instead, call our office. We can repair your restoration or provide a temporary restoration while we create a replacement. 

Soft Tissue Injury

In most cases, an injury to your gums, tongue, or other soft mouth tissues is not an emergency. However, if you experience excess bleeding that does not stop, you need immediate treatment.

First, use a saltwater rinse if you injure your soft tissues. Then, place pressure on the injured area with gauze or a clean cloth. You can take over-the-counter medications as prescribed. 

Contact a dentist if the bleeding does not stop in the next 10 minutes. You may need stitches to treat your injuries. But if you cannot reach a dentist, go to urgent care or the ER.

Emergency Dentistry FAQs

Learn more about emergency dental care in our Dallas, TX office with answers to these common questions:

When should I go to the hospital for a dental emergency?

If you have physical and dental injuries, get medical care before dental care. Once you are physically healthy, we can treat your dental problems.

Medical professionals can treat breathing problems, jaw or neck injuries, and other physical problems. We also recommend hospital visits if you have severe bleeding or an infection and cannot see a dentist. A hospital can stop the bleeding and provide medication.

Is a cavity a dental emergency?

A cavity is an emergency if it causes severe tooth pain. Continual, throbbing pain from a dental cavity needs immediate attention. Treating a cavity can help prevent tooth loss. However, if you have a newly formed cavity, you can schedule a dental visit for an exam and treatment. 

What is not a dental emergency?

Dental problems that can wait for a scheduled appointment include: 

  • Object stuck between teeth
  • Small tooth chips or cracks
  • Bleeding gums when brushing and flossing

Call our office if you experience these dental problems, and we will schedule your next appointment. 

How much is dental emergency treatment?

The cost of emergency dental treatment depends on your specific emergency. For example, if you have minimal damage or only injure a single tooth, treatment will cost less than extensive damage. We will give you an estimate of the cost of your treatment. Dental insurance will cover most routine and restorative treatments. 

Can you prevent dental emergencies?

Yes, in some cases, you can prevent dental injuries and infection. To prevent a dental emergency:

  • Brush and floss daily
  • Visit the dentist for a cleaning and exam twice a year
  • Wear a custom mouthguard during sports
  • Avoid chewing on ice, biting your nails, and using teeth as tools

What do I do if I have a dental emergency but also have dental anxiety

Don’t delay emergency care. Contact our office and let us know about your concerns. We aim to accommodate you at your dental visit so you can feel comfortable in our office while getting the care you need. Our office also provides sedation, so you will not be aware of pain during your treatment. 

Get Urgent Dental Treatment 

Call your emergency dentist at East Quarter Dental in Dallas at 469-529-5401. Schedule an appointment online if you have a dental concern but do not have an emergency.

We serve patients from Deep Ellum, Bryan Place, and the Dallas Downtown Historic District. If you are unsure if you have a dental emergency, contact our office. We will help.